Course Catalogs
Concern Reporting
Records & Transcripts
English: 4 credits
Mathematics: 3 credits
Algebra 1 or Integrated Math 1
Geometry or Integrated Math 2
A third credit of math
Science: 3 credits
At least two lab
A third credit of science
Social Studies: 3 credits
1.0 U.S. History and Government
.5 Contemporary World History, Geography, and Problems
.5 credits of Civics
1.0 credits of Social Studies Elective (may include .5 credits of a second semester of Contemporary World History or the equivalent)
Arts: 2 credits
Performing or visual arts
1 credit may be a Personalized Pathway Requirements
World Language: 2 credits
Both credits may be a Personalized Pathway Requirements
Health & Fitness: 2 credits
.5 credits of Health
1.5 credits of Fitness
Students may be excused from participating in physical education classes per RCW 28A.230.050
Career & Technical Education (CTE): 1 credit
May be an Occupational Education course that meets the definition of an exploratory course as described in the CTE program standards
Electives: 4 credits
Students are also required to complete a High School & Beyond Plan and Washington State History.
Graduation Pathways
Students must meet at least one of these pathway options to graduate:
State Assessment: Meet or exceed the graduation scores in the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics or in WA-AIM (Washington Access to Instruction & Measurement).
Dual Credit: Earn at least one high school credit in ELA and at least one high school credit in math in dual credit courses (Running Start, College in the High School, and/or Career and Technical Education dual credit courses).
AP/IB/Cambridge: For both ELA and math, earn a 3 or higher on certain Advanced Placement (AP) exams or a 4 or higher on certain International Baccalaureate (IB) exams or an E on certain Cambridge International exams, or pass the course with at least a C+.
SAT/ACT: Meet or exceed the graduation scores set by SBE in the math and ELA portions of the SAT or ACT.
Transition Course: Pass a transition course in ELA and math (for example, a Bridge to College course) which allows a student to place directly into a credit-bearing college level course.
Performance-based: Learn more about the newest pathway.
Combination: Meet any combination of at least one ELA and one math option of those options listed in 1-6.
ASVAB: Meet standard on the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) by scoring at least the minimum established by the military for eligibility to serve in a branch of the armed services.
CTE Sequence: Complete a sequence of Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses.
Students who fail core requirements for graduation must complete credit retrieval in order to meet graduation requirements. To begin the credit recovery process, please contact your school’s counseling office for an appointment to discuss credit retrieval options.
For questions, please contact your school’s counseling office or track student progress through the Skyward online system. If you do not know your Skyward login information, please contact your school office for assistance.
Additional information can be found in Kent School District Procedure 2410P.
Source: RCW  28A.230.090