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Like all school districts in Washington State, Kent School District can enter agreements with other organizations and businesses to lower the costs of buying necessary goods and services under RCW 39.34 Interlocal Cooperation Act.
The use of cooperative purchasing contracts also conserves various district resources associated with soliciting bids, such as advertising costs, and administrative time.
Current Authorized Agreements
E&I Cooperative Services
King County Directors Association (KCDA)
National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) ValuePoint
National Purchasing Partners (NPP)
National School Board Association (NSBA) BuyBoard
The Organization for Educational Technology & Curriculum (OETC)
OMNIA Partners (merger of US Communities and National IPA Cooperatives)
Puget Sound Joint Purchasing Cooperative (PSJPC)
Sourcewell (formerly NJPA Cooperative)
Washington Department of Enterprise Services (WA-DES): Purchasing Cooperative Program
The Region VIII Education Service Center (TIPS USA): Cooperative Purchasing Systems
Washington School Information Processing Cooperative (WSIPC)
City of Seattle, Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement