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We serve 24,983 Students in 44 Schools & Academies
Students enroll in their neighborhood school according to their grade level and home address on the school boundaries map.
Grades K-5: 29 elementary schools
Grades 6-8: 7 middle schools
Grades 9-12: 4 high schools
Students may also apply to attend our academy or programs and transfer regardless of home address.
Grades 3-12: Kent Laboratory Academy
Grades 6-12: Kent Virtual Academy
Dropout Re-Engagement for Ages 16-21: iGrad
Inclusive Education Transitional Program for Ages 18-21: The Outreach Program (TOP)
View the Kent School District (KSD) Fast Facts dashboard to learn more about our schools, student demographics, and 72-square mile service area.
Students in kindergarten (K) and grades 1-5 enroll in their neighborhood elementary school according to their home address on the school boundaries map.
Preschool (PK) programs are available at select schools.
Kent Elementary (grades 1-5)
Neely-O'Brien Elementary (grades 1-5)
Middle school students in grades 6-8 may also apply to attend another academy or program and transfer regardless of home address.
Dual Language at Kent Elementary, Neely-O’Brien Elementary, or Scenic Hill Elementary
Kent Laboratory Academy (grades 3-6)
Kent Virtual Academy (grades 6-12)
Students in grades 6-8 enroll in their neighborhood middle school according to their home address on the school boundaries map.
Middle school students in grades 6-8 may also apply to attend another academy or program and transfer regardless of home address.
Students in grades 9-12 enroll in their neighborhood high school according to their home address on the school boundaries map.
High school students in grades 9-12 may also apply to attend another academy or program and transfer regardless of home address.
International Baccalaureate (IB) at Kent-Meridian High School
iGrad dropout re-engagement for ages 16-21