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When possible, parents and physicians are urged to have student medication administered outside of the school day.
If your student needs to receive medication, either prescription or non-prescription (Tylenol, cough drops, etc.), during school hours, you must provide a medical authorization form, physician note, parent/guardian note, and the medication in its original container.
Medical Authorization Form
Submit the required form(s) for your student’s medication complete with parent/guardian and physician signatures.
Additional forms are required for asthma, allergy, and seizure medications.
Physician Note
Submit a written note from your student’s prescribing physician stating:
Name of medication
Time and dates to be given
The reason it must be given during school hours
Possible side effects
We will accept faxed authorization from a health care provider. Please call your school’s office for the fax number.
Parent/Guardian Note
Submit a note giving permission for your student to receive the prescribed medication at school.
Medication must be brought to school by a responsible adult in the originally labeled container with the student’s name. If you are unable to bring the medication to school, please call our school nurse before sending it.