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Contact Us Monday-Friday
Laptop support is available to Kent School District (KSD) students, families, and staff on school days from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(253) 373-7030
Additional Support Resources
Receiving a Device
Seventh-grade students, ninth-grade students, and students who are new to Kent School District for the 2021-2022 school year will receive laptops at school. Please contact your school for more information.
Returning a Device
If you are leaving Kent School District, please return your laptop to your school. Please contact your school for more information.
Every Kent School District (KSD) student in grades K-12 receives a district device (laptop, tablet, etc.) for learning. Students are expected to take care of their device and use technology responsibly.
Ask a Parent/Guardian to Sign the Device Agreement in Skyward
Read the Device Handbook online to learn how to take care of your device.
Have your parent/guardian follow the step-by-step instructions to electronically sign the Device Agreement in Skyward Family Access. This agreement only must be completed once for each student and will remain in place until the device is returned.
Be Responsible Online
Use digital tools including your device and its camera for learning.
Create a positive online presence and be a good digital friend by being kind and respectful to all.
Care for Your Device
Keep the device clean without markings, stickers, drawings, etc.
Store your device in a safe place and keep it in its case.
Protect your device from food and drinks.
Charge your device each night before school.
Save Your Files in OneDrive
Your work will automatically save each time you open a file.
Work on files with your peers and teachers at the same time.
Open your files on any KSD device.
Ask for Help
Ask your teacher and/or librarian if there is something wrong with your device.
Find answers to frequently asked technology questions.
Contact the Customer Support Center for Help
Tech support is available to Kent School District (KSD) students, families, and staff on school days from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(253) 373-7030
We can help with:
Logging in on KSD devices or platforms (laptop, Skyward Family Access, Office 365, etc.).
Troubleshooting issues with KSD hardware (laptops, printers, etc.).
Resolving issues with KSD software (Office 365, Canvas, etc.).