(253) 373-7235
Social Emotional Learning
Morning Meetings
Fulfilling the Need for Connection
Morning Meetings are an avenue for students to connect with their teachers, peers, and school community. Elementary schools often use morning meetings to deliver Social Emotional Learning instruction, check in with students, and prepare students for a successful day.
The morning meeting will include:
Check-ins to see how students are doing
Opportunities to build community with their peers
Social emotional learning messages and themes (some lessons will be geared toward managing big emotions, such as stress, loneliness, or boredom)
A brief weekly screener to assess social emotional wellness
Social Emotional Screening
Morning meetings sometimes include screening to support schools in identifying students who may need additional supports. At any time, a student or parent can opt-out of the screening.
Questions on this screening may include…
How are you feeling?
Are there topics you would like to talk to an adult about? (Topics such as sadness, anxiety, stress, friendship issues, family supports)
One question related to getting to know the students (Ex. Something that helps me learn is…)
Is there anything else you would like your teacher to know?

Director of Student & Family Support Services
Cheri Simpson
Grades K-5
Second Step Curriculum
Kent School District (KSD) students learn skills to support their emotional development, social skills, safety, and well-being using Second Step curriculum from kindergarten to eighth grade.
In kindergarten through fifth grades, the Second Step units focus on skills for learning, listening, empathy, emotion management, problem solving, friendship skills, and bullying prevention.
Skills for Learning
Students learn strategies to focus attention, listen, be assertive, and use self-talk so they can voice their needs to teachers or other students and advocate for their learning needs.
Students learn to have compassion for other students by using body language and facial expressions to understand emotions and the impact their actions can have on others.
Emotion Management
Students learn to recognize their emotions and use strategies to regulate them or calm down.
Stop – Use your signal
Name your feeling
Calm down: breath, count, use positive self-talk
Problem Solving
Students learn steps to support decision making that can be reinforced throughout the school day and at home.
Say the problem without blame
Think of solutions
Explore consequences
Pick the best solution
Friendship Skills
Students learn how to play fairly with others and how to invite others to play or ask to be included. How to use empathy, problem solving and emotion management to be a good friend.
Bullying Prevention
Students learn how to recognize, respond to, and report abuse. This positive approach to bullying allows students to understand the bystander; how they can support the victim as well as discourage the behavior from the bully.
Discover information, resources, and the reporting process for bullying in the Kent School District.
Second Step Tool Codes
Visit the Second Step website and input the specific code for each grade level.
Kindergarten: SSPK FAMI LY70
Grade 1: SSP1 FAMI LY71
Grade 2: SSP2 FAMI LY72
Grade 3: SSP3 FAMI LY73
Grade 4: SSP4 FAMI LY74
Grade 5: SSP5 FAMI LY75
Bullying Prevention Tool Codes
Visit the Second Step website and input the specific code for each grade level.
Kindergarten: BPUK FAMI LY00
Grade 1: BPU1 FAMI LY01
Grade 2: BPU2 FAMI LY02
Grade 3: BPU3 FAMI LY03
Grade 4: BPU4 FAMI LY04
Grade 5: BPU5 FAMI LY05
Grades 6-8
Second Step Curriculum
Kent School District (KSD) students learn skills to support their emotional development, social skills, safety, and well-being using Second Step curriculum from kindergarten to eighth grade.
In grades sixth through eighth, the Second Step lessons have four main focuses: mindsets and goals, values and friendships, thoughts, emotions, decisions, and serious peer conflicts.
Mindsets & Goals
Students learn how to plan for their futures.
Values & Friendships
Students reflect upon their own experiences and gain new skills to build stronger friendships.
Thoughts, Emotions, Decisions
Students learn they are not alone in their feelings and gain strategies to deal with powerful emotions such as dealing with frustration, calming down, handling rejection, and managing anxiety.
Serious Peer Conflicts
Students learn strategies for recognizing, avoiding, and resolving conflicts such as bullying and harassment.
Minor Conflicts
Easy to resolve, if you try
Not a big deal
No one gets hurt
Serious Conflicts (often require the help of school staff or other adults)
Hard to resolve
Have serious consequences
Cause physical or emotional harm
Grade 6 Tool on Second Step
Visit the Second Step website and input the code SSP6 FAMI LY12.